Monday, October 25, 2004

I Killed Someone Today

Yeah, I took someone out. See, here in Miyagi Prefecture we have an organization called MAJET which stands for Miyagi Association of JETs (JET stands for Japanese Exchange Teaching). MAJET's main purpose is to set up social events for us so that we'll have chances to hang with other native English speakers and just have fun. We had a bowling tournament a couple weeks ago which was really fun. I made it into the playoffs. There were fifteen teams of two and the top five had a playoff as well as the bottom five. My partner, Ben, and I were in the bottom five. But we won out of those teams so it could have been worse.

The point here is that the current MAJET thing is the Assassin's Life game in which everyone who wants to play is given a mark. This is another Miyagi JET that we are supposed to kill using a water pistol. If you manage to take your mark out then you take on their mark and move on from there. Eventually only one person will be left. Well, my mark was a girl named Heather who I know but I wasn't sure when I would have a chance to see her. I was hoping she would just show up in Sendai for a night out and I could shoot her then but it hadn't happened.

But today I headed into Sendai on my own to do some shopping. I had to finish off my Halloween costume (of which I will post pictures once it is all done) and I also needed an external hard drive. I've been downloading a lot of movies and TV shows, ummmm, legally. ;) So, I'm on the train coming back home and I realize I need to move into one of the first couple of cars. The train splits at Kogota and if you're not in one of the first two cars then you head off in the wrong direction. But as I'm walking up, wouldn't you know it? There sits Heather with a bunch of luggage. She had just returned from a trip to Hong Kong tonight and she was a bit tired. So, I sat down and chatted. She seemed happy to see a familiar face and of course never saw it coming. I rooted about in my backpack while we talked, pulled out the gun, and shot her right in the shoulder (anything is a killing shot). She couldn't believe it.

So, yeah, I'm a successful killer now. And I have to move on to my next mark. Hee hee.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Not only are we playing it, but we're doing it in public which makes it doubly weird. It's not hard to find your mark (assuming you have some idea who they are) as much as it is difficult to get near them. We all live in different towns remember.
As for the midget thing, that's just weird.
I mean, really weird.
And I'm guessing I would have noticed any midgets at orientation.
Although, there was this leprachaun....
My God!